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Verstas: Kirkkojärvi School

Antti T Seppänen

Various perceptions of the same space.

When the architect completes his task, users take the stage and start to get familiar with the new space. In this short film, produced as part of a project aimed to document emerging Finnish architecture, filmmaker Antti T Seppänen includes the points of view of two characters: while Verstas, the architect who designed the school, archives his building documents, the little child Mae is at her first day there.

The school, the outcome of an architectural competition, hosts students from 6 to 16 years old. The architects conceived a building split in two main parts to host different age groups: the bigger part is for the secondary school and the common spaces while the smaller is for primary school. The two parts are like an older and a younger brother. “Brothers” in fact was the name for the competition entry. The school works as a small, lively city, spaces are accurately organized in classrooms while common areas are generous and comfortable to encourage children to spend theirs breaks between classes outdoors. The school serves as a positive example of built environment for the children and provides a framework for ecological education. In the evening, school facilities are also open to local residents who can become familiar with those spaces and take advantage of them, as the students do in the daytime.


Architect: Verstas
Mentioned project: Kirkkojärvi School (2006-2010)
Project location: Kotikyläntie, Espoo, Finland
Music: Kimmo Mustonen

Finland 2012
Duration: 4'35''