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FR-EE Fernando Romero Enterprise

An urban prototype for building new cities in emerging economies.

In the effective, clear narration of the "FREE City" video, Fernando Romero and his group introduce an urban prototype for integrating the ideas of sustainability, urban interactions and population growth to redefine the notion of XXI century city.

Conceived from factual data and real needs of the population, without the stranglehold of political disputes, the FREE City project serves as an innovative model for building new cities in emerging economies.

Combining the radial organization, hierarchical zoning and logical growth of three existing urban typologies (radial, hexagonal and rectilinear grids), this master plan tries to elevate urban areas with a vertical development, an unrestricted access to information, the integration of innovative technologies into everyday life and an efficient public transit network, which supports a car-free plan so that residents are never more than an 8 minute walk from a tram station.

FREE's urban prototype was presented at the second Creativity World Biennale as part of the CRio festival (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, November 21-25, 2012).


Architect: FR-EE Fernando Romero Enterprise
Mentioned project: Urban prototype for building new cities in emerging economies of the XXI century.

Mexico 2012
Duration: 1'09''