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ipiña+nieto architects
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Tadea de Ipiña Mariscal studied at the ETSAM in Madrid and then at the École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture in Toulouse and Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of Chile. Jorge Nieto Pujol studied at the ETSAM in Madrid and at the Manchester School of Architecture in UK. They both are teaching architecture and landscape at various universities. In 2000 they founded ipiña+nieto architects. Since then the office worked on projects and buildings mainly between Spain and Chile. The group participated in various architecture competitions and won some of them such as the one for the conversion of the former Brazilian consulate into the "CCBRACH (Centro Cultural Brasil-Chile)" (2013-2015), filmed by Pablo Casals Aguirre.

Clips by ipiña+nieto architects

Strips including clips by ipiña+nieto architects

CCBRACH (Centro Cultural Brasil-Chile)
03:03 min

CCBRACH (Centro Cultural Brasil-Chile)

Published on May 09, 2016